Ahhhhhhhhh... Wakin' up slow..
It's the farmer's life for me! Not the get up at the ass crack of dawn, work your bones into the soil kind of farmer. Think more along the lines of compost piles and greenhouse maintenance. We work hard in spurts, avoiding the heat of the midday sun, stock up on naps, and take plenty of time for whatever other projects we may be juggling. Overall, it's not a bad life.
I finally seem to be catching up with the incredible sleep loss I'd accumulated over the past... tsht...
I don't remember the last time I felt "rested". Truly rested.
Yesterday, I took a nap in the afternoon. From one o'clock to six-thirty. I got up. Slowly. Read a little "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, made meself a little quinoa, egg and bean salad, kicked it for a few with my fellow hipps and slammed my brain back into that pillowcase by nine pm. Glorious.
These days... I get up - when I want. I work - pretty hard, when I want. And then I do whatever I want - (usually read, cook, play guitar or watch episodes of "Ancient Aliens" on Netflix). Then I go back to sleep. It's becoming more and more clear how much I have underestimated how much sleep I needed.
I slept a lot as a younger person. It was never a mystery that I required more sleep than the average bear. However, the reality is that I used sleep as an escape from my constant depression and I shied away from it as I grew into adulthood.
But it wasn't just that. I had shit to do! Job. Sometimes two. Plus trying to live a somewhat educational and entertaining lifestyle. Even with my dedicated nap time, I never seemed to catch up to where I was... Oh.. Let's say - probably since I was eighteen. How many times can you honestly say that you can wake up with no concern whatsoever for what happens if you roll over and sleep another two or three hours. Maybe so on the weekends. But certainly not day after day. And here's the kicker: I am still super productive. I'm not a leech. Although I'm not paying rent or being paid with dollar bills, I am paying my way through my lifestyle. It's just a little different than what most people are used to.
I promise I'll get back to the details of my journeys. What I've been up to, what I've seen and what things have happened. I do have a lot of cool things to tell you. But at the moment I'm just reveling in the realization that I AM shifting back into a different time space. I am moving into a paradigm that parallels most other busy bees in this world. I was one once. And I will be again. But right now, I am a king on a thirsty throne. I am an ephemorous, shape-shifting nebulous cloud. I am swishing seaweed on a salty seafloor. Nothing but my own thoughts shape my destiny. For better or worse - I am nowhere but the eternal present.
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